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Creativity in Teaching

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

Recently, I have reflected upon my experience as a teacher and an administrator. Throughout my educational career, I have experienced creativity in classrooms in different ways.

As a teacher, I put into place much of the cooperative learning and project based learning strategies garned in my undergraduate teacher education program. Older teachers, as well as the principal, would literally come by and close my door because of the noise level. BUT MY STUDENTS WERE LEARNING!

As an administrator, I have, time and time again, continually observed teachers who insist on sticking to the more traditional methods of teaching. Consequently, I have also observed students who sit in these classes yearning for more.

It is interesting how a preponderance of teachers prefer the traditional teaching methods despite what many teacher evaluation rubrics call for. According to the Louisiana Compass Teacher Rubric, for example, allowing creativity is preferred.

Below are a few of indicators for a teacher to be rated highly effective Instructional component on Engaging Students in Learning:

  • Students identify or create their own learning materials.

  • Students may have some choice in how they complete tasks and may serve as resources for one another.

  • Virtually all students are highly engaged in the lesson.

  • Students take initiative to modify a learning task to make it more meaningful or relevant to their needs.

  • Students suggest modifications to the grouping patterns used.

  • Students have extensive choice in how they complete tasks.

  • Students suggest modifications or additions to the materials being used.

Louisiana Compass Teacher Rubric

Despite these indicators, many teachers will not turn over the reins of learning to the students. These classrooms remain teacher-focused instead of student centered. Learning is not engaging and year after year more students fall into the learning gap.

Dr. Latricia B. Warren


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